Publication list Hans-Otto Baral & Evi Weber
Baral, H.O.; Jahn, E.; Lohmeyer, T.R. (1981). Pachyella clypeata (Schw.) Le Gal bei Hamburg gefunden. – Z. Mykol. 47 (2): 241–251.
Baral, H.O. (1984). Taxonomische und ökologische Studien über die Koniferen bewohnenden europäischen Arten der Gattung Lachnellula Karsten. – Beitr. Kenntn. Pilze Mitteleuropas 1: 143–156.
Baral, H.O. (1984). Taxonomische und ökologische Studien über Sarcoscypha coccinea agg., Zinnoberrote Kelchbecherlinge (Kurzfassung). – Z. Mykol. 50 (1): 117–145.
Baral, H.O.; Krieglsteiner, G.J. (1985). Bausteine zu einer Askomyzeten–Flora der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: In Süddeutschland gefundene Inoperculate Discomyzeten – mit taxonomischen, ökologischen und chorologischen Hinweisen und einer Farbtafel. – Z. Mykol., Beiheft 6: 1–160.
Baral, H.O. (1986). Beilage zum Beiheft 6, Zeitschrift für Mykologie (Artenregister, Substratliste, Nachtrag, Errata). Typoskript, 19 pp.
Krieglsteiner, L.; Baral, H.O. (1986). Discomyceten an Filipendula ulmaria in Mitteleuropa (I). – Beitr. Kenntn. Pilze Mitteleuropas 2: 199–206.
Engel, H. (1987). Beitrag zur vielfältigen Pilzflora an den Stengeln des Zwergholunders (Sambucus ebulus Linné) im Jahresaspekt 1986 (unter Mitarbeit von H.O. Baral, J. Hechler, M. Kloidt, A. Leuchtmann, G. Lysek, M. Svrček, H. Wirth). – Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens 10 (A): 50–90, pl. 54–57 (includes drawing by H.O. Baral).
Krieglsteiner, G.J.; Enderle, M. (1987). Über einige neue, seltene, kritische Makromyzeten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Mitteleuropa). IX. – Z. Mykol. 53 (1): 3–38 (includes drawing by H.O. Baral).
Blank, P. (1987). Bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde (5 Ascomyceten und eine cyphelloide Art) anlässlich der Pilzbestimmerwoche Meienberg 1986. – Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 65 (4): 82–88 (includes drawing by H.O. Baral).
Baral, H.O. (1987). Lugol’s solution/IKI versus Melzer’s reagent: hemiamyloidity, a universal feature of the ascus wall. – Mycotaxon 29: 399–450.
Baral, H.O. (1987). Der Apikalapparat der Helotiales. Eine lichtmikroskopische Studie über Arten mit Amyloidring. – Z. Mykol. 53 (1): 119–136.
Baral, H.O. (1989). Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Discomyceten I. – Z. Mykol. 55 (1): 119–130.
Baral, H.O. (1989). Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Discomyceten II. Die Calycellina-Arten mit 4sporigen Asci. – Beitr. Kenntn. Pilze Mitteleuropas 5: 209–236.
Baral, H.O. (1990). Vital versus herbarium taxonomy: morphological differences between living and dead ascomycete cells. Poster Abstracts, IB-67/2, 4th International Mycological Congress Regensburg, F.R.G.
Baral, H.O. (1992). Vital versus herbarium taxonomy: morphological differences between living and dead cells of Ascomycetes, and their taxonomic implications. – Mycotaxon 44 (2): 333–390.
Weber, E. (1992). Untersuchungen zu Fortpflanzung und Ploidie verschiedener Ascomyceten (Thesis). – Bibl. Mycol. 140: 1–186.
Weber, E.; Bresinsky, A. (1992). Polyploidy in discomycetes. – Persoonia 14 (4): 553–563.
Baral, H.O. (1993). Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Discomyceten III. – Z. Mykol. 59 (1): 3–22.
Baral, H.O. (1993). New characters in the Orbiliaceae and rearrangement of the genera. In: Bellmère et al. (eds.), first international workshop on ascomycete systematics, abstracts of posters. Paris.
Baral, H.O. (1994). Über Drepanopeziza verrucispora und Symphyosirinia clematidis (Leotiales, Ascomycetes), mit einem Bestimmungsschlüssel der Symphyosirinia-Arten. – Z. Mykol. 60 (1): 211–224.
Baral, H.O. (1994). Comments on “Outline of the ascomycetes – 1993”. – Systema Ascomycetum 13 (1): 113–128.
Rubner, A.; Baral, H.O. (1994). Monacrosporium psychrophilum and its teleomorph Orbilia auricolor. Poster presented at the IMC 5, Vancouver.
Lohmeyer, T.R. (1995). Pilze auf Helgoland: Zur Mykologie einer Ferieninsel in der Nordsee, Teil 1: Ascomyceten. – Z. Mykol. 61 (1): 79–121 (includes drawing by H.O. Baral).
Baral, H.O.; Gminder, A.; Svrček, M. (1995). Pubigera, a new genus for Ombrophila subvillosula Rehm. – Docum. Mycol. 25: 47–57.
Triebel, D.; Baral, H.O. (1996). Notes on the ascus types in Crocicreas (Leotiales, Ascomycetes) with a characterization of selected taxa. – Sendtnera 3: 199–218.
Galán, R.; Baral, H.O. (1997). Hymenoscyphus tamaricis (Leotiales), a new species from Spain. – Beitr. Kenntn. Pilze Mitteleuropas 11: 57–66.
Baral, H.O. (1997). Hymenoscyphus seminis–alni, a new species of the H. fructigenus–complex (“1996”). – Mycotaxon 60: 249–256.
Baral, H.O.; Richter, U. (1997). Encoelia siparia im Naturschutzgebiet Kollenbeyer Holz, mit Anmerkungen zu nahestehenden Encoelia–Arten. – Boletus 21 (1): 39–47.
Kohlmeyer, J.; Baral, H.O.; Volkmann–Kohlmeyer, B. (1998). Fungi on Juncus roemerianus. 10. A new Orbilia with ingoldian anamorph. – Mycologia 90 (2): 303–309.
Baral, H.O. (1999). A monograph of Helicogonium (= Myriogonium, Leotiales), a group of non–ascocarpous intrahymenial mycoparasites. – Nova Hedwigia 69 (1–2): 1–71.
Baral, H.O. (1999). Ombrophila hemiamyloidea (Leotiales), a new aquatic discomycete. – Mycologia Bavarica 3: 50–63.
Baral, H.O.; Galán, R.; Krisai–Greilhuber, I.; Matočec, N.; Palmer, J.T. (1999). Tatraea dumbirensis, new records of a rare leotialean discomycete in Europe. – Österr. Z. Pilzk. 8: 71–82.
Baral, H.O.; Galán, R. (1999). Hyalopeziza niveocincta, a rarely collected Hyaloscyphaceae with unclear generic disposition. – Beitr. Kenntn. Pilze Mitteleuropas 12: 133–142.
Baral, H.O.; Matheis, W. (2000). Über sechs selten berichtete weißhaarige Arten der Gattung Lachnellula (Leotiales). – Z. Mykol. 66 (1): 45–78.
Baral, H.O.; Marson, G. (2001). Monographic revision of Gelatinopsis and Calloriopsis (Calloriopsideae, Leotiales). In: Micologia 2000, Associazione Micologica Bresadola, Trento (6.II.2001).
Baral, O.; Baral, H.O. (2001). Over 2500 scans of fungi and plants (microscopical drawings, water colour plates, diapositives), with materials on vital taxonomy (privately distributed CD–ROM).
Eriksson, O.; Baral, H.O.; Currah, R.S.; Hansen, K.; Kurtzman, C.P. etc. (2001). Notes on ascomycete systematics Nos 3128–3302. – Myconet 6: 1–26.
Schultheis, B.; Tholl, M.T.; Baral, H.O.; Marson, G. (2001). Jourmées luxembourgeoise de mycologie vernale 2000. – Bull. (mens.) Soc. Nat. luxemb. 102: 23–43.
Baral, H.O. (2001). Taxonomic corrections and remarks on the inoperculate discomycetes presented in Fungi of Switzerland Vol. 1, Ascomycetes, 2nd ed., 1984 (online manuscript,
Weber, E. (2002). The Lecythophora-Coniochaeta complex I. Morphological studies on Lecythophora species isolated from Picea abies. – Nova Hedwigia 74 (1–2): 159–185.
Weber, E.; Görke, C.; Begerow, D. (2002). The Lecythophora-Coniochaeta complex II. Molecular studies based on sequences of the large subunit of ribosomal DNA. – Nova Hedwigia 74 (1–2): 187–200.
Baral, H.O. (2002). Tapesina griseovitellina, ein selten berichteter Discomyzet, und seine Nebenfruchtform Chalara rubi. – Tapesina griseovitellina, a rarely reported discomycete, and its anamorph Chalara rubi. – Z. Mykol. 68 (2): 117–134.
Eriksson, O.; Baral, H.O.; Currah, R.S.; Hansen, K.; Kurtzman, C.P.; T. Lassoe etc. (2002). Notes on ascomycete systematics Nos 3303–3579. – Myconet 8: 1–54.
Eriksson, O.; Baral, H.O.; Currah, R.S.; Hansen, K.; Kurtzman, C.P.; T. Lassoe; Rambold, G. (2003). Notes on ascomycete systematics Nos 3580–3623. – Myconet 9: 91–103.
Karasch, P.; Dämon, W.; Jaklitsch, W.; Baral, H.–O. (2005). Beiträge zur Pilzflora der Kanaren-Insel La Palma 2. Weitere bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde auf Chamaecytisus proliferus. – Österr. Z. Pilzk. 14: 275–289.
Künkele, U.; Lohmeyer, T.R.; Baral, H.O. (2005). Stamnaria americana, ein in Auwäldern vermutlich häufiger, aber aus Deutschland bisher nicht berichteter Parasit an Equisetum hyemale. – Mycologia Bavarica 7: 3–20.
Dimitrova, E.; Baral, H.–O. (2005). Checklist of Bulgarian Helotiaceae (Ascomycetes). – Fl. Medit. 15: 57–72.
Baral, H.O.; Senn–Irlet, B.; Aeberhardt, H.; Raitviir, A. (2005). Cistella grumosa, a new species from leaves. – Mycotaxon 91: 405–411.
Baral, H.O.; Marson, G. (2005). In vivo veritas. Over 10.000 images of fungi and plants (microscopical drawings, water colour plates, photo macro- & micrographs), with materials on vital taxonomy and xerotolerance (privately distributed DVD–ROM, 3rd ed.).
Liu, B.; Liu, X.Z.; Zhuang, W.Y., Baral, H.O. (2006). Orbiliaceous fungi from Tibet, China. – Fungal Diversity 22: 107–120.
Yu, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Qiao, M.; Baral, H.O.; Weber, E.; Zhang, K. (2006). Drechslerella brochopaga, the anamorph of Orbilia (Hyalinia) orientalis. – Mycotaxon 96: 163–168.
Baral, H.O.; Krieglsteiner, L. (2006). Hymenoscyphus subcarneus, a little known bryicolous discomycetes found in Białowieża. Acta Mycol. Warsz. 41(1): 11–20.
Roffler, U.; Baral, H.–O. (2006). Über Rutstroemia alni / A propos de Rutstroemia alni. – Schweiz. Z. Pilzk. 84 (4): 134–139.
Baral, H.O. (2006). Leserbrief zu “Artikel über kätzchenbewohnende Ciboria–Arten Heft 1/06:34″ – Tintling 2006 (2): 6–9.
Baral, H.O.; Galán, R.; López, J.; Arenal, F.; Villarreal, M.; Rubio, V.; Collado, J.; Platas, G.; Peláez, F. (2006). Hymenoscyphus crataegi (Helotiales), a new species from Spain and its phylogenetic position within the genus Hymenoscyphus. – Sydowia 58 (2): 145–162.
Baral, H.O.; Hairaud, M.; Lechat, C. (2006). Lasiomollisia phalaridis: une discomycète remarquable, récolté sur tiges de Phalaris. – Bull. trim Féd. Mycol. Dauphiné–Savoie 183: 33–46.
Yu, Z.; Qiao, M.; Zhang, Y.; Baral, H.–O.; Zhang, K. (2007). Orbilia vermiformis sp. nov. and its anamorph. – Mycotaxon 99: 271–278.
Baral, H.O. (2007): Zur Jodreaktion bei Ascomyzeten. Der Tintling 51 (2).
Wu, M.–L.; Su, Y.C.; Baral, H.O.; Liang, S.H. (2007). Two new species of Hyalorbilia from Taiwan. – Fungal Diversity 25: 233–244.
Zhang, Y.; Yu, Z.F.; Baral, H.O.; Qiao, M.; Zhang, K.Q. (2007). Pseudorbilia gen. nov. (Orbiliaceae) from Yunnan, China. – Fungal Diversity 26: 305–312.
Lechat, C.; Baral, H.O. (2008). A new species of Ijuhya on Equisetum hyemale and its Acremonium anamorph, with notes on Hydropisphaera arenula. – Österr. Z. Pilzk. 17: 15–24.
Richter, T.; Baral, H.O. (2008). Coronellaria pulicaris, Mollisia luctuosa und Marasmius cornelii – seltene Saprobionten an Cyperaceen. – Boletus 31 (1): 45–63.
Baral, H.O. (2009). Iodine reaction in Ascomycetes: why is Lugol’s solution superior to Melzer’s reagent? –
Zhang, Y.; Yu, Z.F.; Baral, H.O.; Mo, M.H.; Zhang, K.Q. (2009). New species and records of Orbilia (Orbiliaceae, Ascomycota) from China. – Fungal Diversity 36: 141–153
Baral, H.O.; Sloover, J.R. de, Huhtinen, S.; Laukka, T., Stenroos, S. (2009). An emendation of the genus Hyaloscypha to include Fuscoscypha (Hyaloscyphaceae, Helotiales, Ascomycotina). – Karstenia 49: 1–17.
Hofton, T.H.; Baral, H.O.; Homble, K. (2009). The ascomycete Proliferodiscus tricolor (Sowerby: Fr.) Baral comb. nov., recollected in Scandinavia after 60 years. – Agarica 28: 33–42.
Zhang, Y.; Qiao, M., Weber, E.; Baral, H.O.; Hagedorn, G.; Zhang, K.; Yu, Z. (2010). Arthrobotrys scaphoides from China and Europe, with a phylogenetic analysis including the type strain. – Mycotaxon 111: 291–300.
Baral, H.O.; Kutorga, E. (2010). Helicogonium fusisporum sp. nov., an intrahymenial parasite in Orbilia eucalypti. – Mycotaxon 113: 331–336.
Peláez, F.; Collado, J.; Platas, G.; Overy, D.P.; Martín, J.; Vicentea, F.; González del Val, A.; Basilio, A.; De la Cruz, M.; Tormo, J.R.; Fillola, A.; Arenal, F.; Villareal, M.; Rubio, V.; Baral, H.O. Galán, R.; Bills, G.F. (2011). Phylogeny and intercontinental distribution of the pneumocandin-producing anamorphic fungus Glarea lozoynensis. – Mycology 2 (1): 1–17.
Su, H.Y.; Zhang, Y.; Baral, H.O.; Yang, X.Y.; Mo, M.H.; Cao, Y.H.; Chen, M.H.; Yu, Z.F. (2011). Four new species of Orbiliaceae from Yunnan, China. – Mycol. Progr. 10: 373–381.
Baral, H.O.; Garcia, G.; Bogale, M.; O’Hara, M.J.; Untereiner, W.A. (2012). Colipila, a new genus in the Helotiales. – Mycol. Progr. 11 (1): 201–214.
Qiao, M.; Zhang, Y.; Li, S.F.; Baral, H.O.; Weber, E.; Su, H.Y.; Xu, J.P.; Zhang, K.Q.; Yu, Z.F. (2012). Orbilia blumenaviensis and its Arthrobotrys anamorph. – Mycol. Progr. 11: 255–262.
Zhao, Y.-J.; Hosoya, T.; Baral, H.-O.; Hosaka, K.; Kakishima, M. (2012) Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, the correct name for Lambertella albida reported from Japan. Mycotaxon 122: 25–41.
Gams, W.; Baral, H.O.; Jaklitsch, W.; Kirschner, R.; Stadler, M. (2012). Clarifications needed concerning the new Article 59 dealing with pleomorphic fungi. – IMA Fungus 3: 175–177.
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Beltrán–Tejera, E. (2012). New species of Orbilia (Orbiliales) from arid ecosystems of the Canary Islands (Spain) – Nova Hedwigia 96 (1–2): 237–248.
Hellemann, S.; Lindemann, U.; Baral, H.O.; Yeates, C. (2013). Micropeziza filicina sp. nov. (Helotiales), a fern inhabiting species of intermediate generic position, with an emendation of the genus Micropeziza Fuckel. – 5 (4) : 129-136.
Baral, H.O.; Marson, G. (2013). Xerombrophila crystallifera, a new genus and species in the Helotiales. – Mycol. Progr. 12 (3): 475–488.
Baral, H.O.; Marson, G. (2013). Deltopyxis triangulispora gen. et sp. nov., a polysporous discomycete of unclear relationship. – Andrias 19: 175–183, pl. 1–6.
Baral, H.O.; Galán, R.; Platas, G.; Tena, R. (2013). Phaeohelotium undulatum comb. nov. and Phaeoh. succineoguttulatum sp. nov., two segregates of the Discinella terrestris aggregate found under Eucalyptus in Spain: taxonomy, molecular biology, ecology and distributiom. – Mycosystema 32 (3): 386–428.
Baral, H.O.; Carter, A. (2013). Patinella hyalophaea Sacc. – Rediscovered in New Brunswick, Canada. – 5 (3): 91–96.
Baral, H.O.; Bemmann, M. (2013). Hymenoscyphus serotinus and H. lepismoides sp. nov., two lignicolous species with a high host specificity. – 5: 109–128.
Baral, H.-O.; V. Queloz; T. Hosoya (2014). Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, the correct scientific name for the fungus causing ash dieback in Europe. – IMA Fungus 5: 79-80.
Baral, H.O.; Bemmann, M. (2014). Hymenoscyphus fraxineus vs. H. albidus – A comparative light-microscopical study on the causal agent of European ash dieback and related foliicolous, stroma-forming species. – Mycology 5: 228–290. –
Johnston, P.R.; Park, D.; Baral, H.O.; Galán, R.; Platas, G.; Tena, R. (2014). The phylogenetic relationships of Torrendiella and Hymenotorrendiella gen. nov. within the Leotiomycetes. – Phytotaxa 177(1): 1–25.
Guo, J.W.; Baral, H.O.; Zhang, K.Q.; Li, C.Y. (2014). New records of Hyalorbilia (Orbiliales, Pezizomycotina) from China. – Mycosystema 33: 746–752 [I was put as coauthor here although I did not even know about the article]
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Beltrán-Tejera, E. (2014 [2015]). Diversity of Hyalorbilia (Orbiliales) in the Macaronesian region. – Nova Hedwigia 100: 1–14.
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Jaen-Molinia, R.; Weiß, M.; Caujapé-Castells, J.; Beltrán-Tejera, E. (2014). Phylogenetic and morphological circumscription of the Orbilia aurantiorubra group. – Phytotaxa 175: 1–18.
Baral, H.O. (2015). Hymenoscyphus menthae, H. macroguttatus and H. scutula, a comparative taxonomic study emphasizing the value of spore guttulation and croziers. – 7: 255–287.
Baral, H.O. (2015). Nomenclatural novelties [New families of Helotiales and Rhytismatales]. – Index Fungorum no. 225.
Baral, H.O.; Haelewaters, D.; Pärtel, K. (2015). A new attempt to classify the families of the Helotiales. – Poster presented at the Ascomycete Workshop in Amsterdam (April 2015).
Baral, H.O. (2015). Orbiliomycetes. – Lecture presented at the Ascomycete Workshop in Amsterdam (April 2015).
Zhang, Y.; He, X.X.; Baral, H.O.; Qiao, M.; Weiß, M.; Liu, B.; Zhang, K.Q.; Yu Z.F. (2015). Orbilia laevimarginata sp. nov. and its asexual morph. – Phytotaxa 203: 245–253.
Qiao, M.; Li, J.Y., Baral, H.O.; Zhang, Y.; Qian, W.Y.; Su, H.Y.; Yu, Z.F. (2015). Orbilia yuanensis sp. nov. and its anamorph. – Mycol. Progr. 14: 1022: 1–7.
Baral, H.O. (2015). Nomenclatural novelties: New combinations in the Leotiomycetes. – Index Fungorum no. 271, (ISSN 2049-2375). – – Baral 2015
Baral, H.O.; Perić, B. (2015). Velutarina bertiscensis and V. alpestris spp. nov., with a redescription of V. rufoolivacea and discussion of its synonyms. – Mycol. Monten. 17: 7–52 (‘2014’).
Perić, B.; Baral, H.O. (2015). Erioscyphella curvispora spec. nov. from Montenegro. – Mycol. Monten. 17: 89–104 (‘2014’).
Baral, H.O.; Haelewaters, D. (2015). Rommelaarsia flavovirens gen. et sp. nov. (Helotiales), a new discomycete on Equisetum with a peculiar asexual state. – 7: 321–330.
Baral, H.O.; Rämä, T. (2015). Morphological update on Calycina marina (Pezizellaceae, Helotiales, Leotiomycetes), a new combination for Laetinaevia marina. – Botanica Marina 58(6): 523–534.
Gross, A., Hosoya, T.; Zhao, Y.; Baral, H.-O. (2015). Hymenoscyphus linearis sp. nov: another close relative of the ash dieback pathogen H. fraxineus. – Mycol. Progr. 14(1): 1–15. – doi 10.1007/s11557-015-1041-3
Jaklitsch, W.; Baral, H-.O.; Lücking, R.; Lumbsch, H. T. (2016). Ascomycota. In: W. Frey (ed.), Engler’s syllabus of plant families, 13th ed., Part 1/2. Borntraeger, Stuttgart.
Tello, S.; Baral, H.O. (2016). Erioscyphella lunata (Lachnaceae), a rare discomycete collected in Spain. 8(4): 157–162.
Pärtel, K.; Baral, H.O.; Tamm, H.; Põldmaa, K. (2016). Evidence for the polyphyly of Encoelia and Encoelioideae with reconsideration of respective families in Leotiomycetes. – Fungal Diversity 82: 183–219. – doi 10.1007/s13225-016-0370-0
Perić, B.; Baral, H.O.; Pärtel, K. (2016, ‘2015′) Cenangiopsis raghavanii and C. junipericola spp. nov. (Cenangiaceae, Helotiales) collected in Montenegro, with redescription of a fresh collection of C. quercicola. – Mycol. Monten. 18: 7–40.
Magyar, D.; Merényi, Z.; Bratek, Z.; Baral, H.O.; G. Marson, G. (2016) Lecophagus vermicola sp. nov., a nematophagous hyphomycete with an unusual hunting strategy. – Mycol. Progr. 15: 1137–1144. – doi 10.1007/s11557-016-1235-3
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Beltrán-Tejera, E. (2016). A revision of the genus Orbilia in the Canary Islands. – Phytotaxa 284: 231–261.
Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.R.; Dong, J.Y.; He, X.X.; Qiao, M.; Baral, H.O.; Zhang, K.Q.; Yu, Z.F. (2016) Orbilia tianmushanensis sp. nov., a new member of the O. luteorubella group with an anusual asexual morph. – J. Microbiol. 54: 9–13.
Perić, B.; Priou, J.P.; Baral, H.O. (2016, ‘2015′). Godronia rosae (Helotiales), une espèce rare en Europe. – Mycol. Monten. 18: 41–59.
Baral, H.O.; Weber, E.; Gams, W.; Hagedorn, G.; Liu, B.; Liu, X.Z.; Marson, G.; Marvanová, L.; Stadler, M.; Weiß, M. (2017). Generic names in the Orbiliaceae (Orbiliomycetes) and recommendations on which names should be protected or suppressed. – Mycol. Progr. 17: 5–31. – doi 10.1007/s11557-017-1300-6
Quijada, L.J.; Baral, H.O. (2017). Orbilia beltraniae, a new succulenticolous species from the Canary Islands. – MycoKeys 25: 1–12. – doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.25.13917
Baral, H.O.; Weber, E.; Marson, G.; Quijada, L. (2017). A new connection between wood saprobism and beetle endosymbiosis: the rarely reported saprobic discomycete Tromeropsis is congeneric with the symbiotic yeast Symbiotaphrina (Symbiotaphrinales, Xylonomycetes) and two asexual morphs misplaced in Hyphozyma. – Mycol. Progr. 17: 215–254. – doi 10.1007/s11557-017-1340-y
Fernández-Brime, S.; Olariaga, I.; Baral, H.O.; Friebes, G.; Jaklitsch, W.; Senn-Irlet, B.; Wedin, M. (2017). Cryptodiscus muriformis and Schizoxylon gilenstamii, two new species of Stictidaceae (Ascomycota). – Mycol. Progr. 17: 295–305. –
Baral, H.O.; Perić, B. (2017, ‘2016’). Perzia triseptata gen. et sp. nov. (Ascomycota incertae sedis) from xeric coniferous bark in France and Montenegro. – Mycol. Monten. 19: 7–20.
Haelewaters, D.; Filippova, N.V.; Baral, H.O. (2018). A new species of Stamnaria (Leotiomycetes, Helotiales) from Western Siberia. – MycoKeys 32: 49–63. –
Martínez-Gil, R.; Baral, H.O. (2018). Allophylaria subliciformis (Pezizellaceae, Helotiales), a rare species rediscovered in Europe and North America. – 10 (2): 67–75.
Shao, Y.Y.; Baral, H.O.; Ou, X.Y.; Wu, H.; Huang, F.C.; Zheng, H.F.; Liu, B. (2018). New species and records of orbiliaceous fungi from Georgia. – Mycol. Progr. 17: 1225–1235. –
Pätzold, K.; Baral, H.O. (2018). Elliottinia kerneri, ein selten geglaubter Ascomycet auf Sklerotien in männlichen Blüten von Weißtannen-Ästen (Abies alba) – Erstfund für Deutschland. – Südwestdeutsche Pilzrundschau 55: 11–10.
Richter, T.; Baral, H.O. (2018). Mollisia pilosa – eine übersehene Art mit unsicherem Namen. – Boletus 39 (1): 29–35.
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O. (2018). Orbilia amarilla Quijada & Baral, sp. nov. In: Crous et al., Fungal Planet description sheets 785–867. – Persoonia 41: 238–417. –
Yang, C.L.; Baral, H.O., Xu, X.L., Liu, Y.G. (2019). Parakarstenia phyllostachydis, a new genus and species of non-lichenized Odontotremataceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota). – Mycol. Progr. 18: 833–845. –
Baral, H.O. (2019, ‘2017’). Hymenoscyphus reynoutriae sp. nov. (= H. dearnessii s. auct.), a neomycete in Europe, and H. phalaridis sp. nov., specific to monocots (Helotiaceae, Helotiales). – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 11–40.
Perić, B.; Baral, H.O.; Pärtel, K. (2019, ‘2017’). A new combination and new species in the genus Cenangiopsis (Helotiales): C. alpestris comb. nov. and C. andreae sp. nov. – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 41–65.
Baral, H.O.; Polhorský, A. (2019, ‘2017’). Chrysodisca peziculoides gen. & sp. nov. (Chrysodiscaceae fam. nov., Helotiales), from xeric coniferous bark across Europe. – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 79–98.
Baral, H.O.; Lindemann, U.; Wieschollek, D. (2019, ‘2017’). Vibrissea catarhyta – a rare aquatic inoperculate discomycete. – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 111–126.
Perić, B.; Omerović, N.; Baral, H.O.; Pärtel, K. (2019, ‘2017’). Two new species of the genus Cenangiopsis (Helotiales) from Bosnia and Herzegovina: C. livida and C. violascens sp. nov. – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 125–149.
Baral, H.O. (2019, ‘2017’). Pseudolanzia piceetorum gen. & sp. nov. (Rutstroemiaceae) from fallen Picea abies needles in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 151–166.
Perić, B.; Baral, H.O. (2019, ‘2017’). Two species of the genus Rutstroemia (Rutstroemiaceae, Helotiales) new for Montenegro: R. fruticeti and R. punicae sp. nov. – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 167–189.
Baral, H.O. (2019, ‘2017’). Acremonium limoniforme sp. nov., an intrahymenial asexual morph in desiccation-tolerant North American species of Orbilia. – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 203–209.
Rubio, E.; Tello, S.; Baral, H.O., Linde, J. (2019). A new species of the genus Capitotricha from Spain: C. pterosparti sp. nov. (Lachnaceae, Helotiales). – Mycologia Montenegrina 20: 191–201.
Johnston, P.R.; Quijada, L.; Smith, C.A.; Baral, H.O.; Hosoya, T.; Baschien, C.; Pärtel, K.; Zhuang, W.Y.; Haelewaters, D.; Park, D.; Carl, S.; López-Giráldez, F.; Wang, Z.; Townsend, J.P. (2019). A multigene phylogeny toward a new phylogenetic classification of Leotiomycetes. – IMA Fungus 10(1): 1–22. –
Olariaga, I.; Teres, J.; Martín, J.; Prieto, M.; Baral, H.O. (2019). Pseudosclerococcum golindoi gen. et sp. nov., a new taxon with apothecial ascomata and a Chalara-like anamorph within the Sclerococcales (Eurotiomycetes). – Mycol. Progr. 18: 895–905. –
Wagner, I.; Baral, H.O. (2020). Allophylaria subhyalina, ein kleiner Discomyzet an Ahorn-Blattstielen. – Boletus 41(1): 47–50.
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Beltrán-Tejera, E.; Pfister, D.H. (2020). Orbilia jesu-laurae (Ascomycota, Orbiliomycetes), a new species of neotropical nematode-trapping fungus from Puerto Rico, supported by morphology and molecular phylogenetics. – Willdenowia, 50(2): 241–251.
Rubio, E.; Baral, H.O., Linde, J. (2020). Capitotricha attenuans comb. nov. (Lachnaceae, Helotiales), the story of a forgotten fungus. –, 12 (5) : 205–213.
Baral, H.O.; Weber, E.; Marson, G. (2020). Monograph of Orbiliomycetes (Ascomycota) based on vital taxonomy. Part I + II. National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg, 1752 pp. –
Perić, B.; Baral, H.O. (2020). Two new species in the genus Cenangiopsis (Helotiales) with non-lanceolate paraphyses: C. desae and C. rosae spp. nov. – 12: 227–248.
Baral, H.O. (2020) Nomenclatural novelties. – Index Fungorum no. 428.
Baral, H.O.; Quijada, L. (2020) Nomenclatural novelties. – Index Fungorum no. 454.
Zhang, Y.; Qiao, M.; Baral, H.O.; Xu, J.P.; Zhang, K.Q.; Yu, Z.F. (2020). Morphological and molecular characterization of Orbilia pseudopolybrocha and O. tonghaiensis, two new species of Orbiliaceae from China. – Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 70: 2664–2676. –
Ribes, M.A.; Escobio, V.; Negrín, R.; Baral, H.O.; Pfister, D.H.; Quijada, L. (2021). Wanted on Agave americana! Hymenobolus agaves, an overlooked introduced pathogen in the western palearctic region. – Fungal Systematics and Evolution 8: 129–142. – doi: 10.3114/fuse.2021.08.10
Baral, H.O.; Pärtel, K.; Haelewaters, D.; Stallman, J.K.; Myhrer, J.; Pennanen, M. (2021). Hymenoscyphus equiseti comb. nov. In: Lebeuf, R. et al. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 8. Sydowia 74: 193–249. – DOI: 10.12905/0380.sydowia74-2021-0193
Baral, H.O.; Johnston, P.R.; Quijada, L.; Healy, R.;· Pfister, D.H.; LoBuglio, K.F.; Rodriguez, V.; Weber, E. (2021). Cryptic speciation in Orbilia xanthostigma and O. leucostigma (Orbiliomycetes): an aggregate with worldwide distribution. – Mycol. Progr. 20: 1503–1537. –
Wagner, I.; Baral, H.O. (2021). Mollisia scopiformis, ein Weichbecherchen bekommt einen neuen Namen. – Boletus 42(1): 57–63. – English version: Mollisia scopiformis, a softcup gets a new name. download
Baral, H.O. (2022). Nomenclatural novelties. – Index Fungorum no. 509.
Baral, H.O. (2022). Morphotaxonomic revision of Ombrophila species on herbaceous, in particular monocotyledonous hosts. –, 14 (2) : 51–66.
Baral, H.O.; Rönsch, P.; Richter, U.; Urban, A.; Kruse, J.; Bemmann, M.; Kummer, V.; Valencia, F.J.; Huth, W. (2022). Schroeteria decaisneana, S. poeltii, and Ciboria ploettneriana (Sclerotiniaceae, Helotiales, Ascomycota), three parasites on Veronica seeds: first report of teleomorphs in Schroeteria. – Mycol. Progr. 21: 359–407. –
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Johnston, P.R.; Pärtel, K.; Mitchell, J.K.; Hosoya, T.; Madrid, H.; Kosonen, T.; Helleman, S.; Rubio, E.; Stöckli, E.; Huhtinen, S.; Pfister, D.H. (2022). A review of Hyphodiscaceae. – Studies in Mycology 103: 59–85.
Quijada, L.; Baral, H.O.; Pfister, D.H. (2023). The unexpected identity of Tympanis vagabunda. – Life 13(3), 661: 1–18. –
Baral, H.O. (2023). Corrections and additions to the monograph of Orbiliomycetes. download
Baral, H.O. (2023). Micropodia pteridina, a misinterpreted fern-inhabiting discomycete with unclear relationship within the Helotiales. –, 15 (1) : 1–8.
Baral, H.O. (2023). Agyrium roseum (Agyriaceae, Pertusariales), a new species on xeric coniferous wood in Europe, with a comparative study of A. rufum. –, 15 (1): 13–31.
Baral, H.O.; Sochorová, Z.; Sochor, M. (2023). Bryorutstroemia (Rutstroemiaceae, Helotiales), a new genus to accommodate the neglected sclerotiniaceous bryoparasitic discomycete Helotium fulvum. – Life 13(4), 1041: 1–22. –
Baral, H.O.; Kosonen, T.; Polhorský, A.; Stöckli, E.; Huhtinen, S.; Hansen, K. (2023). Venturioscypha nigropila (Hyphodiscaceae, Helotiales) – a new genus and species from xeric Pinus bark. – Karstenia 60(1–2): 28–48. –
Baral, H.O. (2023). Venturiocistella gaylussaciae, V. ulicicola, V. uliginosa (Hyphodiscaceae, Helotiales) and V. heterotricha (incertae sedis) redescribed from the types. –, 15 (2) : 63–75
Richter, T.; Reul, M.; Baral, H.O.; Schmidt, M. (2023). Mollisia mediella – ein selten beobachteter Ascomycet auf Schilf. Boletus 44(2): 149–157
Karakehian, J.M.; Quijada, L.; Miller, A.N.; Krieglsteiner, L.; Baral, H.-O. (2024). Ramomarthamyces octomerus sp. nov. and insights into the evolution and diversification of Ramomarthamyces (Ascomycota, Leotiomycetes, Marthamycetales). J. Fungi 2024, 10, 301: 1–29.
Koukol, O.; Lukáčová, K.; Baral, H.-O. (2024): Phylogenetic placement of Sarcotrochila alpina, the hitherto unknown teleomorph of Rhabdocline laricis. – Czech Mycol. 76(2): 17–32.
Baral, H.O. & Weber, E. (2024). Powerpoint Presentation of Monograph of Orbiliomycetes –
Baral, H.O. (2024). Phragmocalloria (Helotiales incertae sedis), a new genus of Calloria-like species with large, 3–7-septate ascospores. –, 16 (5) : 249–260. doi: 10.25664/ART-0405
Baral, H.O.; Perić, B. (2024). New species and records of intrahymenial parasites in the genus Helicogonium (Helicogoniaceae, Phacidiales). –, 16 (5) : 261–298. doi: 10.25664/ART-0406
Baral, H.O.; Krieglsteiner, L.G.; Sochorová, Z.; Döbbeler, P.; Priou, J.P.; Stöckli, E.; Rubio, E.; Valade, F.; Bauer, G.; Hairaud, M.; Isaksson, R.; Greiff, G.; Krieglsteiner, K.; Sochor, M.; Lendemer, J.C. (2024). Luteodiscus gen. nov. (Hyphodiscaceae, Helotiales), with L. epibryus comb. nov. and L. hemiamyloideus sp. nov., two overlooked bryophilous ascomycetes with a wide host range. – Mycol. Progr. (2024) 23: 76, p. 1–42. –
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